It is the quality policy of Gillfun Steel:

  • To provide a reliable and efficient service to meet specified customer requirements, whilst conforming to the Company’s objectives and all applicable requirements including statutory, regulatory and safety regulations.
  • To maintain a management system that meets the requirements of Standard Association of Zimbabwe which includes quality system objectives that are regularly reviewed by the management team.
  • To continually improve the quality management system
  • To provide resources to maintain and improve the management system in order to meet the requirements of its customers and to enhance customer satisfaction.
  • To establish quality objectives at each relevant and functional level of the business that are appropriate to the functional area, are measurable, will support the quality policy and will facilitate the Company’s aim to provide a high quality service to its customers.
  • To facilitate communication throughout the company, monitor customer satisfaction and to continuously monitor the effectiveness of its quality management system and the quality policy in order to improve its suitability and effectiveness.